Sunday, December 26, 2010

Do you have 10,000 hours??

I was recently reading the book "Outliers"by Malcolm Gladwell and he talks about something called the 10,000 hour rule. He basically states that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become truly great and have success in the field you choose. This started me thinking about how I got into my current profession and how I became successful. You could also say that to complete 10,000 hours of practice in anything would take about 10 years.

I ask you to think about your profession.

How long did it take you to become successful in your profession? Did you practice a lot? Did you spend roughly 10 years or so to get where you wanted to be?

Think about how you can apply this "10,000 hour rule" to your golf improvement. I'm not saying you need to spend 10 years of your life practicing golf unless you hope to play at a very high level. But, what if you spent a good 3 or 5 years putting a plan together in order to become a better golfer.

What could happen and how good could you get?

I think you might be surprised....

take care until next time. -Drew @

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